


Volunteer Gardeners

At the recreation ground we have a small but highly committed team of volunteer gardeners who work along with our part time groundsman. They help to keep the park looking at its best and you are very welcome to join them. Our volunteers work every Monday and Thursday and some volunteers work individually at times that suit them.


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Other Volunteers

Our gates are opened and closed by a team of local residents on a rota basis. Come rain or shine they ensure that there is vehicle access to the park within opening hours.

We are always seeking to recruit new volunteers of all ages to help us maintain the recreation ground. Even if you only have a few hours a month we would like to hear from you. We are currently seeking to recruit helpers for our newsletter, various activities and anyone who has practical skills to help with repairs and maintenance. You can contact us through this website or telephone one of the numbers on the notice board.   

Working Party

One Saturday morning each month we have a working party to carry out specific tasks within the park. These have included planting snowdrops, bluebells and crocus bulbs, weeding and pruning and a general clean up of equipment and the park. These are fun events and usually end with the team having a drink and snacks together.


Duke of Edinburgh Awards

We have had several young people who have volunteered to help at the recreation ground as part of their DoE Volunteer section.  This has been both enjoyable for the participants and helpful to the contimued maintaince of the field.